Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama's Excellent Speech to Students...

Again, here's wishing you a happy start of the school year!

After the controversy, hoopla, and headlines, it was, indeed, an excellent speech. The President focused on student responsibility for their own learning. Thank you, Mr. President.

It's about time.'s_Schoolchildren.

And dare I say, his approach relates to the ethical dilemmas we have in special education--we place too much responsibility, blame, and 'accountability' on schools and IEP Teams, and not enough on students and parents. Our President is onto something important.

He told students they have to work hard, and try harder; not define themselves by their failures; keep on working at what is hard. "You've got to practice." Decide what you're good at. America needs you. Etc., etc. etc.

He told several stories of students overcoming great odds. Some of them sounded like students who might have IEPs or Section 504 plans. They persevered and succeeded.

Only with a true partnership among teachers, students, parents can students succeed and help themselves and our nation. An excellent message for the first day of school


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