Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stop timing (?!) the SAT and ACT!

We knew this was coming... It's been a sad tale for years. I believe there are reason for timing tests and that test makers need to articulate them. Yet, the College Board and the ACT refused to do so back in 2002 when threatened with a lawsuit. The mere threat led them to create the accommodations policy of no longer flagging tests that are taken with extended time--that is, tests that are not normed. And, thereby, they threw away the reasons for timing.

Hey, if there's no reason to time tests--then stop scaring and stressing students. If there are reasons, then stand up for them--articulate and implement them. We ask no less of our teachers who do so every day.

This story has been a sad slow slog. Who will stand up for standards? norms? tests that actually mean what they say they mean? Not the SAT or the College Board, apparently--for the last almost 10 years.

(Call to stop timing the SAT and ACT from Fair Test).


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