Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Schools for other people's children...

(President Obama on his choice of schools for his daughters).

Our president gave an honest answer. We understand that. But as long as people can walk away from the public schools, they will continue to be for other people's children. I wrote an essay many years ago that the only way to fix our public schools is to CLOSE all the private schools! Nutty? I don't think so. By doing that, we would force all players to the same table and I do believe that improvements would come fast. Very fast. In fact, it's really the only way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you're nutty. I came to the same conclusion independently years ago. the so-called "education reformers" are, for the most part, those who opeted out of public schools for their children although they were the recipients of a good public education. I sometimes think that in order to justify the cost of an indpendent private school education, these reformers and the parents who send their childrent o private schools, have to take the position that public schools, all public schools, are no good. If they spent that same energy inside the system advocating for public schools, they would help us make our public schools even better and stronger.

Friday, 01 October, 2010  

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