Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Creativity--Whither American creativity? Awesome. Po Bronson strikes again!

(Creativity not taught in America)

Research indicates that creativity is on the decline in American children. Now what do we do? First, read this fascinating cover story in Newsweek by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman.

Neuroscience research plays a key role in our understanding of creativity.

next? It turns out that creativity needs to be nourished. Yet, in our schools now, it is largely not. We should act on this reality, teaching facts AND creativity--both are needed.

And, for starters, turn off the TVs and all those hand held electronic toys. We suspected they were bad for kids' creativity. Well, they are. And, let the kids play outside!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Inclusion, inclusion...for what purpose?

(Boulder's efforts for inclusion)

As I read this article, I am concerned about the purpose of the move to more inclusion. What is that purpose? Let's be very clear! It is to improve learning outcomes for ALL students in the schools--regular and special education, gifted and average, 'at risk' and all others.

I echo and strongly support the folks who focus the purpose of inclusion on improving teaching and learning for ALL students. I am very concerned about those who focus on inclusion as a 'civil right.' Instead, inclusion should be based on research and best practices--for what works, not just for having all sorts of learners in classrooms together, but on improving outcomes for all of them. That is not a matter of 'right,' it's a matter of pedagogy and research on what works.

Let us all keep our eye on the prize: better outcomes for all students.

It's' my story and I'm sticking with it!

Thinking a bit more about that College Board report (Friday's blog).....

When I came to America in 4th grade, unfortunately, it became time to slide by in my schooling. Yes, I had to learn English. And I did that. But, the substance of our learning so much easier than what I was used to...

Consider. In Holland, we had learned the multiplication tables up to 20! In our heads! No calculators. No aids. 18 x 17. 13 x 16. Etc. And it was fun!

In the public school in New Jersey, where I started my American education, students were struggling to learn the multiplication tables up to 10. 3 x 7. 8 x 9. Etc. So sad. For me, it was but the start of lowered expectations for many many years.

I wish it were different. But, apparently not. That's why that College Board report is so troubling...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Worrisome College Board report...

Now the College Board tells us what we instinctively kinda, sorta knew already--the US lags in college graduation rates--when compared to other countries. We used to be the world leader in education. And, we all know that education is key to our continued growth and success in the coming years. So this is a worrisome report. (US, once leader, now lags in college graduation).

What to do? Some say, OK--leave it. We don't need to be # 1 forever. I don't agree. I believe we need to make our best efforts and reboot--start at the K-12 levels. The fact that our schools are struggling runs up the ladder to colleges and beyond. Education continues to be a political football. In the meantime, our students do not thrive. We need to get back to those early grades. More focused on teaching the basics. More focused on teaching creativity and wonder. Less focused, in my view, on technology and gee-whiz stuff.

This all matters a lot to our country.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If you build it, will they break it?

(Massachusetts debates joining the national standards).

Massachusetts has been touted as having among the best standards in the U.S. So now, the move is on to join the 'national standards.' A hot, hot controversy in the Bay State. Will this move lower the standards? Essentially bring an end to the MCAS test? Raise the standards? Have no effect really?

It's hard to know what's right on this issue. I have not read through the proposed standards. My question is whether the state standards are broken and if not, why fix them? Or is something else going on?

Here's the Cato Institute take on it. Not good for Massachusetts.(CATO on "national standards" for MA).

Et tu? What do you think?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

See my letter in today's Boston Globe...

(Letter about hiring special educators, according to Globe article of July 11)

Check it out! Your thoughts? The letter and article generated lots of on-line comment.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

If you're on Cape Cod this Thursday....

I'll be speaking at the MASS conference (Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents) in Mashpee! Topic: Fixing Special Education and its Ethical Dilemmas.

Come join us!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

No jobs for teachers, except in special education.

(Teaching jobs in special education, but not other fields).

I read this article with great sadness. The trend is leading education in the wrong direction. The way to improve special education is to improve regular education. We need to add more teachers--especially at the early grades to teach students how to read and do math (and never need special education.) Sadly, however, this is not happening. The trend is not a good sign.

We cannot continue to grow the special education entitlement program and expect improved results for all students. This trend creates a sad day for the Commonwealth and for our country. We need to do better.

More teacher union members than ever! Better schools?

( AFT now has more than a million and a half members).

More union members? Better education? You decide.

A good Sunday read.

(Diane Ravitch's education ideas in historic context).

Is it, as the French say, "Plus la change, plus la meme chose"? That is, the more things change the more they stay the same.

We have worked on education reform for the better part of the 20th, and now,
the 21st century. Ravitch envisions the worst case scenario: higher test scores and worse education. Since the early 1900's, have we made progress? Where do we go from here?

As I said, a good Sunday read.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Too much high self esteem in teens...

(Study: too much self esteem in teens).

We saw this coming. The self esteem movement has run its course, I hope. The best book I've found on these issues is Carol Dweck's Mindset. There are two types of mind sets: fixed mindset (which gets praised for being smart, pretty, athletic, etc) and growt mindset (which gets praised for effort, working hard, trying, succeeding, etc). Too much praise in high schools comes from the fixed mindset, so that when kids in college actually get a 'C', as in this story, they are insulted! I believe it's time fo us to push the growth mindset. Thank you, Carol Dweck for that clear distinction!

What is your favorite book or program on this issue?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Whither our vocational technical programs!

(Not enough skilled workers for available jobs). Is this sad or what? Whither vocational/technical programs when we need them? They have been abandoned in favor of having everyone go to college. Does this make sense to you?

What a country! A great idea from Kansas...

(Grouping students by achievement, not age).

Just as we were fretting about the failure label we slap on students, a district in Kansas has come up with a better way--group students by their achievement, not age. Thus, students can continue to work on what they need--whether they are behind or ahead of their age peers. Let's hope this works well. First reports look positive.

What a country! We always create anew. Happy 4th of July indeed!